About Us

Balegorositse currently provides construction equipment hire services to clients, projects typically includes road construction, sewerage maintenance and water reticulation. Projects are mainly handled by our staff & operators under the supervision of the clients’s qualified professionals. We have recently been awarded a Grade 6 CEPE and Grade 6 GBPE grading from the Construction Development Industry Board (CIDB). This grading enables us to undertake the abovementioned projects utilising our own staff and professional associates. We also registered with NHBRC - The National Home Builders Registration Council.

Mission and Vision

To be the provider of superior transport, construction and plant & equipment hire services by consistently improving the quality of our service, to add value to clients through understanding their needs, foresight, integrity, reliable performance and maintaining the highest level of professionalism.

To be recognised as the most respected provider of reliable transport, construction and plant & equipment hire solutions in South Africa.



Registered structural engineer, civil engineer (ECSA), Electricians (ECA & ECB) & Plumbers 

Level 1 Contributor (100% Black Ownership)